Thursday, August 6, 2009

Super Genius?

I think so! Not only did I make an excellent tasty dinner, using produce fresh from Ben's Mom's garden but I figured out how to get the pictures off my other Nikon! I was looking at the camera my Step-Dad recently passed down to me and thought "hm...I wonder if I could put that memory card into this one...then maybe I could get these year old pictures finally off the old camera..." And guess what? It worked!! Be prepared for pictures of snow, my trip to Boston last March and many more! I'm so smart! This also means I can start telling of our most recent adventure to California for Mike's wedding!
Our little Jedi baby. So cute, even though it's blurry.
Ben's shot of a beautiful sunset that got even more gorgeous as the night wore on.
This is the action shot Ben took of me taking a picture of the same sunset. It was breathtaking. I haven't developed the film yet though...
Every year Ben goes back to Falls Church, VA to play in his high school's Alumni soccer game. It's awesome to watch Ben in his element.

Winter 2007 when it actually SNOWED and was worth anything. It was so beautiful!

This is what our dog Hobbes looks like during bath time...

Stay tuned for tales of last Christmas, my trip to Boston, the place we lived when Matthew was born and other adventures that have already happened.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! So I was looking at my list of followers on my blog and I found you! How exciting. I had heard you'd had a baby and was excited to finally see a picture of him; he is so cute. Congrats on graduation as well. Can't wait to keep in touch by reading your blog now.


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